Fresh Ideas to Get Every Fireworks Party Rocking, Popping, and Crackling

A beautiful firework display high up in the sky is always pleasant to watch. If it happens that the display is at a party or event, it’s possible to explore the farthest depths of your love for pyrotechnics. If you're looking for a Fireworks store in PA, Intergalactic Fireworks is the name to trust.

Set Things Off with a Bang

A great way to get the action going is through those appetizers known as "sausage rockets." With some wooden skewers, cocktail sausages, and a few peppers, the games can begin.

Put 2-3 sausages on the sticks and from the red and yellow peppers, cut out triangles. Stick the triangles on end as the rocket tip.

To add some fancy, you can heat the sausages with a glaze.

Ice-cool Cocktail

Layering drinks is fun when creating a cocktail. It results in a Roman candle-like tipple. You only need some blue curacao, cranberry juice, grenadine, and vodka.

Pour the cranberry juice, grenadine and vodka in a shaker to mix them up. Then fill a glass. Pour the blue curacao down the glass side to get it to settle at the bottom, creating separate layers you can serve and relish.

Sweets aren’t Just for Kids

Cakes and parties go hand in glove. There is an endless number of designs that imitate fireworks. It can be hard to pick one, though some brilliant-looking ones are quite easy to put together.

All you need to do is to bake three deep cakes. Put a unique food coloring in each one. Then, cut out cylinders of each cake and stack them upon each other, sandwiching buttercream between layers to stick them together. The buttercream also keeps things tasty.

It's possible to add some popping candy in the middle of each if you're okay with that. Have some licorice in the top to mimic the firework wick and serve it up.

Now, For the Life of the Party

What's a fireworks party without fireworks. Intergalactic's fireworks make your party rock. Whether it's the PA fireworks store, or the NJ fireworks store if you live there, you have a wide range of fireworks to brighten your party even more.

You can have displays to suit the party theme, something to go along with the music while you serenade the audience. The Excalibur Artillery Shells are great for closing things out. You can also get the .38 Special, Unleash the Power, or the highly dramatic United We Stand, amongst others. Intergalactic Fireworks also has more mellow fireworks, meaning there’s something for every kind of party you want to have.


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